Derek and his brother the Don. The biggest Steelers fans in the house. Very intense.

Fernanda and I in the kitchen. This was during the 3rd Quarter. Nothing much was going onin the game so I helped out with the food.

Bea and Monique "helping" out!

Fernanda hard at work!

Monique and Fernanda taking a break to stike a pose!

Aline, Yara, Henrique and Loyal. Loyal is Aline's mother-in-law.

Amanda, our wonderful hostess!

Deborah and Amanda. Deborah is Don's wife and is also Brazilian. She's from the state of Minas Gerais.

Deborah was trying to avoid having her picture taken but I was too fast!

Isabelle, Yasmin, Keith & Kyle

Fernanda and Bea, Go Steelers!


Henique playing with Amanda's new doberman

Bea is a cutie, and a stinker! :)

William and Aline, Patriots fans who will just have to wait until next year.

Paul distracting William so he can watch the game
The Super Bowl party was a lot of fun especially since the Steelers won! It was pretty tense there in the 4th Quarter, I thought Derek was going to tear the house down. Fortunately the Cardinals left too much time on the clock and the Steelers went on their winning drive. Super Bowl Sunday is the best unofficial holiday in America!